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Writer's pictureVita Shakti

Basti - An Ayurvedic Medicated Enema: Cleansing the Colon Holistically

Updated: May 13, 2022


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Ayurveda recommends Basti to remove Ama (toxins) that is the cause of many health symptoms such as: constipation, diverticulosis, gout, rheumatism, sciatica, arthritis, distention and gas, nervous disorders, Vata headache, Insomnia, Hernia, and others.

Basti is often administered in many ways.

This Blog has the instructions of how to make a Basti described on the Vita Shakti Youtube Channel: Home Panchakarma

Visit my Youtube Channel to see how it is made.

What do you need? (equipment and ingredients):

- Organic Dashamoola churna ( I prefer Gopala Ayurveda brand, they are excellent)

- Sesame Oil (Organic)

- 1 Big Towel to lie down, 1 Small towel if you need, Another towel or a cover if you need covering during the 30 minutes you have to stay with the emulsion on.

- An Enema Bucket or bag

- A Blender to make the emulsion

- A pan to make Dashamoola tea

- water (best purified water, destined water or in the absence of both use spring mineral water to make the tea)

- a wet tissue to clean the anal orifice before the enema and to keep with you during the procedure, in case you need it. Also keep a bin bag close to dispose of it.

- Ghee or coconut oil or any other oil to use as lubrication for the anus and tip of the enema tips.

- an aromatic natural candle to prepare the room, so you can make this experience a treat of self-care.

Making the emulsion

- First, make the Dashamoola tea: boil 1 tablespoon of Dashamoola herbal compound with 1 pint of water (about 470ml)

- Let it cool and strain it

- Add 150 ml of sesame oil with the herbal tea strained and cooled to body temperature or slightly warmer.

- Then blend in the blender for no more than 3 seconds.

Benefits of Dashamoola

- Dashamoola is a combination of five roots from big trees and five roots from shrubs.All ten roots together, alleviate all three doshas. They predominantly alleviate Vata dosha and digest the Ama.

- As it is a potent alleviator of Vata, it works well in various types of Vata disorders like nervous exhaustion, nervine weakness, sciatica, arthritis, immune deficiency, lack of stamina, anxiety, fatigue, memory loss & abdominal gases.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is an "Herbal Food Supplement" and is not intended to diagnose, treat cure or prevent any disease.

Pre-Procedure for Basti:

- After preparing the emulsion use the clamp to control the flow, and fill your bucket with the medicated herbal water.

- Hold the insertion end of the tube over a container, so you do not waste your herbal decoction. (make sure to use this container only for enemas after this use).

- Open the clamp to let the herbal preparation travel through the tube until it comes out steadily. Be sure that there aren’t any air pockets in the tube.

- Once you are sure of this, clamp the tube to stop the flow.

During enema

  • The enema pot or bag may be suspended three feet above your position.

  • Lubricate the tip of the syringe with oil or ghee.

  • Clean and lubricate the anal orifice with oil and check that there are no haemorrhoids, fissures, or fistulas.

- Lie on the left side, left leg extended and right knee flexed.

- Carefully and slowly insert the tip into the rectum and release the clip allowing all the fluid to enter,

- Once the liquid goes all in, remove the tip slowly.

- Assume a hands and knees position and elevate the buttocks, thus relaxing the colon.

- Then Lie on your back and massage your abdomen in counterclockwise motion.

- When fluid has been retained for the appropriate length of time, sit on the toilet to allow the passage of the fluid and fecal matter.

- You may wish to wear a sanitary pad for a few hours following basti in case there is some seepage of residual oil.

- It can be good to eat an hour or so after a basti, but only when hungry.

- BEST TIME to have Basti/Enema: The best times to have basti are the Vata Times, that is, in early morning ( 2am-6am) or late afternoon/evening (2pm-6pm). The stomach should be empty; wait at least three hours after eating.

Result of a Normal Basti

- One or two bowel movements, with good cleansing of faecal matter.

- A feeling of lightness in the abdomen and general clarity.

- Some individuals, in particular, Vata types, the colon may be so dry and dehydrated that the liquid may all be absorbed. This is not harmful in any way.

Contraindications for Basti/Ayurvedic Enema

  • Pregnancy

  • Menstruation

  • Diarrhoea

  • Inflammation of anus

  • Bleeding from rectum

  • Extreme debility and weakness

  • Before internal oleation

  • Same day as vamana (therapeutic vomiting) or virechana (purgation)

  • Within 3 hours after eating

Cleaning Your Enema Bucket

It’s important to ensure your enema kit has been properly cleaned and dried after each use to remove any bacteria and to ensure that no mould grows inside.

As an extra precaution, a visual inspection of the equipment should also be undertaken before each enema. At a minimum (and for most people), we recommended that you flush your bucket, tubing and tips out with hot soapy water after every use and air dry before storage.

However, some people prefer to go to further measures (such as boiling their equipment*) after each use or on a semi-regular basis.

The following is a more detailed method that some people like to follow using weak hydrogen peroxide to ensure any bacteria is killed.

Step 1 Take your enema kit apart, removing the tube from the bucket and the tip from the tube.

Step 2 Wash each part of the kit separately using a mix of anti­ bacterial soap and water. Ensure all contents are cleaned thoroughly. Wash off with warm water.

Step 3 Reconnect all the pieces of the kit and pour two cups of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide into the enema bucket and let it flow through the tube and the tip before applying the clamp to trap most of the liquid.

Step 4 Drain the liquid and thoroughly wash with water. Leave to air dry with the clamp open for up to 8 hours. Ensure the kit is completely dry before storage. Turning the bucket over after cleaning it will assist in the drying process and help ensure excess water doesn’t cause rusting.

  • Do not boil the enema tips or connector pieces. Only the silicone pieces should be boiled.

The teachings of this Basti are from Dr Vasant Lad


All material presented in this guide is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction.

No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well­being.

The information and opinions expressed here are believed to be accurate, based on the best judgement available to the authors, and readers who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries.

To get the herbs and oils for your Panchakarma visit my affiliated Ayurvedic Store. They have all the products I use for my Ayurvedic Panchakarma and Ayurvedic lifestyle, all products are of excellent quality. For the products, I personally use and recommend click here


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